Thursday, July 31, 2008

First things first: Putting your Marketing Plan together!

In my last post I mentioned that you should have a marketing plan but I did not elaborate. After thinking about it some more, I decided that a marketing plan deserves more that a cursory mention in a blog. A marketing plan is a document that is compulsory for anyone who has decided to pursue music seriously and professionally.

Whether you are a solo artist or a collective act such as a duo or a band, the marketing plan is your "road map" to achieving the success you seek. The marketing plan provides you with an orderly process for getting to where you want to be from where you are. It details what you are doing, how you're doing what you're doing, how you plan to improve on what you're doing, and what tools you're going to employ to assist you with what you're doing - along with a few other details. Of course, the document will be more expansive than this short list I've referenced but I'm sure you get the point.

If capital (or lack of it) is a factor for you and you feel up to doing the work yourself, I found the following clear-cut, easy to understand guidelines at that can help you create your plan outline:

State a clear and concise objective or goal for your marketing plan. Who is your audience? How will you reach them? Be very specific and detailed.

Image: Maintain the artist's image consistently throughout each graphic.

Packaging: Give a detailed description of the artwork to be used for the cover of the CD/Tape. Describe the package layout and the information you'll have to obtain for the booklet, front and back cover, (barcode?), etc.

Publicity: Consider any and all print and broadcast media plans. Which trade and consumer publications, and genre specific newspapers, magazines, and fanzines? Websites? Describe ingredients for press kits, and topics for press releases. Create fact sheets.

Radio: What radio format(s) will be targeted, which songs? any special promotions? Any independent radio promoters?

Sales: Describe Distribution and Retail plans. Any in-store play material/ promotions? What other specific sales opportunities: mail order, live shows, website sales? Create Distributor One Sheet.

Is the concept in-line with the overall image of the artist? Is a video cost effective?

Touring: Describe the timeframe for touring, and other promotional events to coordinate while on the road. Consider specific clubs, halls, fairs, festivals, etc.

What, if any ads will be placed in the print, and other media? Describe the costs/benefits?

Misc: Record release party? Novelty item? Any other clever ideas?

However, if cost isn't a consideration then here are some sites to visit that can either provide cost effective tools to help you put one together yourself:

Click Here For Self-Promotion Resources to Boost Your Music Biz Career!

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